Message from Abuna August 2024

Dear Beloved friends,

Here I am again, sharing with you the important moments of life on Mar Elias Campus.

I allow myself first to mention our worries and, at certain times, our fears from the ongoing absurd atrocities in Gaza in the South of the country and equally on the North. What disgusted us is the continual break news from both sides of the boarders saying: “We won the war”. Careless to mention what are the numbers of victims on both sides mainly in Gaza with Israel.

It seems evident that we are in the presence of two losers. It seems that the leaders do not pay attention or seem to ignore, the suffering of mothers and of families, very specially in Gaza where, whenever we turn on the TV, what we see is causing a nausea from children killed, mothers crying, men and women killed and thrown in the streets, the survivors are scared to collect the bodies for burial. We pray and we hurt for this criminal belief that might is right. We try our utmost to emphasize the importance of life and the very strong need to have an end to these atrocities.

Sometimes we seem to live on an island where violence and hatred have no right to exist, this was illustrated through very large special events:

The first was the graduation of 208 students whose majority applied for different universities. The auditorium was decorated by some of our teachers and students. It was supremely attractive and beautiful. We were delighted to deliver Diplomas with the smile of joy. The celebration was with the presence to all parents concerned. We didn’t see among us Christians or Muslims; we only saw happy parents. The ceremony lasted for two hours and everyone went home happy and grateful.

Second, the local council mayor and members of the municipality decided to have a meeting honoring God for what he has done though the care of Abuna Elias Chacour. With their insistence Abuna agreed to be present. Thus, on the 28th of June, 2024 at 7:00pm, the mayor and the members of the council were standing ready with Abuna Chacour to greet and welcome the many guests who were expected to arrive and assist in the event. The local council invited an estimation of 700 persons from the village Ibillin, and from all over Galilee. They arrived and we greeted every one and were honored to distribute a copy of Abuna’s last book: “A Month That Never Ends”, subtitle: ” A Whisper of Love for the People of Ibillin”.

We ended with being honored with the presence of over 800 adults’ guests. It was a moment of jubilation of joy and of thanksgiving. We were there with the Melkite Catholics, the Orthodox community and Muslims from many many localities, with the Druze representation by the head of the Druze community in Israel, and with the representation of the head of religious department in the country.

To sum it all it was a delightful experience of unity within the diversity, surrounding Father Chacour for what God has done using him as an ambassador of reconciliation. Pilgrims of Ibillin and others were mentioned as representing the beautiful face of God beyond the complicated and the devious image of the foreign policies which endorse directly or indirectly the ongoing atrocities violence.

We went home submerged with courage and confirmed in our faith to represent the very much needed hope for humanity. It was noticeable, the address which the Chairman of the Academic Institute in Haifa delivered to Abuna Chacour recognizing his life as a Pioneer activity to build peace and to reject violence.  He bestowed Father Chacour the honor of receiving of PHD honoris causa, which will be delivered in the presence of all the academic staff, in the coming weeks.

Imagine the joy and the delight that everybody felt so strongly. Many were repeating: we needed this moment of being amidst the reality where everybody is gathered with his own people against the others.

Finally, I apologize for being so long and greet you with affection and with fraternal feelings. Now the school will be closed for the summer holiday. We hope to rest and to recuperate getting ready for a new starting next September.

Yours Fraternally,

Abuna Elias Chacour
Archbishop Emeritus of Galilee
