Please Come! Hear Archbishop Elias Chacour in MI and IN, Sept. 13-20



Abuna in office 1You’re invited to hear Peace Advocate and author Archbishop Elias Chacour, speaking at special events in Michigan and Indiana almost daily between September 13 and 20, 2015.

All are welcome at all events. Admission is free unless otherwise noted, and a free-will offering will be received to support scholarships to help low-income students attend the Mar Elias Educational Institutions, founded by Abuna starting in 1982.

At each event, copies of Abuna’s books will be available for sale and for autographing.

Now retired from serving as the Archbishop of the Melkite Catholic Church in Akko, Haifa, Nazareth, and all Galilee, Abuna Chacour lives in Ibillin on the campus of the schools he founded, the Mar Elias Educational Institutions. Today those schools have more than 3,000 students and faculty, including Muslims, Christians, Druze, and Jews. Students come from a 50 mile radius around Ibillin, often bypassing closer schools, in order to participate in the diverse and wonderful Mar Elias family where daily, Peace is Built on Desktops.

Abuna has worked tirelessly for reconciliation between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East and is author of several books, including Blood Brothers and We Belong to the Land. He is a recipient of the World Methodist Peace Award and the Niwano Peace Prize for his work in education and peace-building.

Questions? Contact Joan Deming or L. Michael Spath  (Check back for updates on times/locations)[/vc_column_text][vc_facebook][vc_googleplus][/vc_column][/vc_row]