Dear Pilgrims,
You know that the Lord and yourself have called me to care for the young generation which is in desperate need of education, caring and love. Through the long years, we have collaborated together to give our best for planting the seed of hope, and the respect of life in the hearts of the next generation.
You have been partners in this enterprise. I am grateful and proud of you. After all, the Lord has done for us great things. We have the gift to translate our respect of others, through providing them with our care, with our prayers and with our financial help.
I urge you to continue, keep the faith alive. We are continuing to develop the awareness of thousands of young people to go in depth and discover the many positive sides of our human life.
I want first to wish you all a very happy Advent, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We hope that many among you would take or be given the opportunity to visit us in the Holy Land and be our distinguished guests.
Yours with deep appreciation and prayerful thoughts,
Abuna Elias Chacour
Archbishop Emeritus of Galilee