Letter from our Executive Director
Dear Pilgrims Family,
As we reach the end of this year, and this decade, it seems an apt time to reflect on where we have been and consider where we might go. In the time-line that’s a part of this year-end note, you can see clearly where we’ve been. What you can’t see, but many of you have been lucky enough to experience, is the deep joy of the hospitality at the Mar Elias Guest house through the incredible grace of hosts Samar and Badea.
You can’t see the determination of the students studying furiously for their national exams, with the help of board members / long-time volunteers Ted and Jane Settle and tireless teachers. You can’t see the warmth of the Wi’am Conflict Transformation Center as they welcome in visitors and explain the need for peace building within the community of Bethlehem. You might not know the bliss of eating a feast in Jerusalem, splashing in the waters of the Sea of Galilee, or hearing Abuna tell of his memories of growing up in Biram.
You might not have had these experiences… yet. But with your help, we can continue to invite others (and hopefully you can join us!) to come and better know the people and stories of Palestine and Israel. You can help us build peace on desktops, and ensure that the story continues for generations to come.
On behalf of the board, our volunteers, the staff, and my newest Pilgrim (Sonora Nancy Lyter Bright, born August 23, 2019!), thank you for your prayers, support, and encouragement. May this be a season of peace for you and yours!
With joy,
Rev. Laurie Lyter Bright