Dear Fellow Pilgrims,
There are so many things in the world that we cannot control. So many things we cannot change. And so many people who are really struggling, especially children and youth who are learning from home during the pandemic. We can’t fix everything, but we can all do something. Thank you for choosing to do what you could in 2020.
Your gifts to Pilgrims enabled the Mar Elias Educational Institution to respond to the needs of the increasing number of students who needed scholarships. Your support also changed the dynamic of a difficult year by supporting the work of our Peace Partners like Wi’Am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center in Bethlehem.
Your gifts to Pilgrims also sent the strong message to the children and youth of Ibillin that they are loved and valued. We can’t all personally fix a pandemic, but you chose to do something to make a difference and what a difference it made.
Thank you! Please keep us in mind as you make decisions about end-of-year giving. We would love to do more to help MEEI continue to respond to this pandemic and the needs of their students. As we move into the year 2021, Pilgrims also values your support and input as we search for a new executive director. In the meantime, we are thankful for the work of Brenda Mehos, our Interim Executive Director. Again, thank you for fostering Peace and Justice through Education in Ibillin, Israel and Palestine.
Grace and peace,
The Rev. Dr. Peter J. M. Henry
President of the Board of Directors of Pilgrims of Ibillin
Davidson College Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 337, 100 North Main St
Davidson, NC 28036
(313) 600-7370 | peter.henry@alum.ptsem.edu