Pilgrims President Peter Henry wrote a letter to Pilgrims in the August 2020 Update. Click on the link to see the full email: https://conta.cc/3hBMT4M
Among the many aspects of life that defines our current moment is change. Pilgrims of Ibillin is part of that change. In addition to wanting to thank you for your financial support of Pilgrims, I am also writing today to tell you that our executive director, Laurie Lyter Bright, is leaving Pilgrims August 31. We are grateful for her two and a half years of leadership with us and wish her well.

The Board of Directors of Pilgrims has already secured some interim, transitional leadership. I am pleased to tell you that Brenda Mehos, a member of our board who has made several trips to Ibillin and who has a long history of supporting a just peace in Palestine and Israel, has agreed to be our Interim Executive Director through the end of December. This will allow the board to conclude our ongoing work with a consultant about next steps for our ED position. With the continuing help of our able administrative support staff member, Angela Cummins, Pilgrims will be in good hands during the transition. If you have names or ideas of how to fill our ED position, please contact me.
Gifts to Peace Partners Make Significant Impact
I also wanted to make you aware of the significant impact that Pilgrims has had on the work of MEEI and our peace partners in 2020. Thanks to the generous giving of our friends like you, as well as a generous bequest, we have been able to fund special, COVID-related technology upgrades at MEEI and we have also enabled the school to complete several long-range, capital needs projects that included updating teacher work spaces and renovating the middle school (the original high school, one of the oldest buildings on campus). We also sent all of our peace partner grants early so that they would have money to assist them in their work during a time when funds might have been tight.
Again, thank you for your past support of Pilgrims and we look forward to continuing our partnership in fostering peace and justice in Israel and Palestine. If you have questions about our ongoing work or would like to know more about the work of the board of directors, please contact me with the information listed below. You can also reach out to Brenda Mehos with the contact information below.
Grace and peace,
The Rev. Dr. Peter J. M. Henry
President of the Board of Directors of Pilgrims of Ibillin
Davidson College Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 337
Davidson, NC 28036
(313) 600-7370 | Peter.henry@ptsem.edu
Donate to Pilgrims and Peace Partners
Contact Pilgrims of Ibillin
Brenda Mehos
Interim Executive Director, Pilgrims of Ibillin
phone: (303) 928-0923