Sharing concern for our partners/friends at Wi’am, the Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center in Bethlehem:
Yesterday, 7 December, the Israeli Defense Force’s response to stone-throwing children caused terrible damage at Wi’am. Stone-throwing and IDF response are daily occurences, but this damage is by far the worst. Outdoor lights broken, electricity into the Wi’am building damaged, seating destroyed, a shade and its frame burned beyond repair, another garden shade torn down, dozens of tear gas and sound grenade canisters littering the Wi’am garden and yard.
We have shared events in this yard with Palestinians and an array of international friends at Wi’am twice this year for significant community events. The first was during our May pilgrimage: a communion service with Pax Christi International, a very moving service of unity and bridge-building. The second was a women’s ecumenical prayer service, late October, to pray for peace.
Wi’am is one of our Pilgrims of Ibillin peace-building partners, and this yard is part of our home in Bethlehem. Share this! People need to know how bad the situation has become. And if you want to contribute to Wi’am to help them recover from the damage, gifts to Pilgrims of Ibillin (designated “Wi’am”) will go 100% to Wi’am. You can give through Pilgrims’ website: www.pilgrimsofibillin.org.