Pilgrim’s first webinar was a vibrant and well-attended opportunity to hear first hand from three leaders at Wi’am who are also leaders of the city of Bethlehem. A combination of hearing from Usama Nicola, Zoughbi Al-zoughbi and his son Tarek Al-Zoughbi, followed by question and answers from Pilgrims across the U.S. gave us new insight into life under both occupation and a pandemic. Participants came away with up-to-date information on the lives of our sisters and brothers in the Galilee region, and inspired by their leadership and sense of community care.

This webinar also raised over $2,000 in support of the Wi’am Conflict Transformation Center. Thank you Pilgrims, for your interest and generosity.
Some additional information on annexation: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25960&LangID=E
Video clip from Webinar discussion on annexation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0k4vT212qk
On the specific work of Wi’am, especially during coronavirus: ‘Coronavirus does not stop at a checkpoint’: Wi’am Center’s Zoughbi Alzoughbi on the pandemic from Bethlehem
Video clip from Webinar as Wi’am leaders discuss work during COVID-19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVLzK8DiGSY
Join us on a future webinar with our Peace Partners in the Galilee region and be a part of the ongoing work and support provided by Pilgrims of Ibilin.
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