“The Pilgrims of Ibillin come to our minds as being the best ambassador of the United States. What the Pilgrims do is bring a factor of hope… We nurture the hope that soon you would be able to come and visit us and see for yourself what unity we have here within our diversity.” —Abuna Elias Chacour
Most pilgrimages to Israel and Palestine have shifted their focus from holy site excursions, spiritual journeys, and even from the social justice talking tours, to more experiential opportunities to listen and stand in solidarity with Palestinians across Israel and Palestine.
Currently Pilgrims of Ibillin is planning just such a visit March 30 – April 10, 2025. This trip is a departure from our traditional Living Stones Pilgrimages, however, if you have a calling to be in solidarity, to witness the changing geopolitical and theological landscape, as well as visit Mar Elias Educational Institutions (and Father Chacour) as they continue to provide education as well as safe haven and sanctuary for students in the region, we absolutely welcome you to join us on a witness and encounter journey.
We hear again and again that Palestinians feel unheard and unseen: our presence and witness makes a difference when it moves us to attune our hearts, eyes, and ears to the wisdom and pain of suffering.
Let us know of your interest to learn more by completing the form provided below.
View a sample itinerary of places and people we will visit.