Essrea Cherin New Pilgrims Executive Director

Essrea Cherin photo

President Rev. Dr. Peter Henry Introduces Pilgrims’
New Executive Director Essrea Cherin

The Board of Directors of Pilgrims of Ibillin is pleased to announce Essrea Cherin as our new Executive Director. “Essrea brings countless professional and personal qualities relevant to the job requirements of our executive director position and the mission of Pilgrims of Ibillin,” says Gail Doering, board member and member of the search committee.
Essrea came to Pilgrims with high recommendations from colleagues in past ventures, extensive experience in connecting people with the goals of peace and justice in the Middle East, a history of building relationships with people of different backgrounds and perspectives, and past experience as an executive director of a non-profit organization. A resident of Boulder, Colorado, Essrea has been a dedicated peacemaker for most of her adult life.

Dedicated to Peace

She has put into practice her commitment to contributing to a more peaceful planet through many endeavors, including as the Executive Director of the journalism advocacy nonprofit, Media in the Public Interest, as co-founder of the Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project, designed to inspire cross-cultural friendships between Americans and Palestinians. She also served as the Chief Operating Officer of ReSolutionaries, Inc. an organization dedicated to incorporating Restorative discipline practices in schools. She also worked to support the peace-building efforts of world-renowned negotiation expert Dr. William Ury, which included creating a hiking trail in the Middle East to follow in Patriarch Abraham’s footsteps (Abraham’s Path). In addition, Essrea is a member of the Adjunct Faculty at Regis University and teaches communications courses such as intercultural communication and conflict management. Her various experiences underscore Pilgrims board member Don Brown’s words, “I was most impressed with Essrea’s clear commitment to seeking and supporting justice in the Middle East.”
Essrea’s life path was significantly influenced by an early adventure as a ‘global peace-walker’ having the unique distinction of being one of a handful of women to have circumnavigated the globe largely on foot. The experience instilled a profound appreciation for cross-cultural understanding and connecting as key components to fostering peace.

Continues Justice and Peace Work in Palestine

When asked why she chose to apply for the position, Essrea said, “I have heard much about the good work of Pilgrims of Ibillin over the years of working for justice in Palestine from my colleague Brenda Mehos (also a fellow board member for the Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project, current Interim Executive Director for Pilgrims of Ibillin and board member for Pilgrims). I have always been impressed with not only the work accomplished but also the dedication of the board members to its success. Further, I have very high regard for Abuna Chacour. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Abuna Chacour’s book, Blood Brothers, and it is my go-to recommendation for curious Christian Zionists. Also, Pilgrims’ activities match my own passion and commitment to educating Americans about the Palestinian experience via webinars and trips to the region and supporting organizations that contribute to the well-being of the people in greatest need in Israel and Palestine via supporting the Mar Elias schools and other peace partners.”
Essrea was one of many applicants for our executive director position and was recommended to the board by our search committee: Don Brown, Gail Doering, Lucy Forster-Smith (vice-president), and Peter Henry (president). The committee is confident that Essrea will build upon the wonderful work of Brenda Mehos in reaching out to current friends of Mar Elias schools, supporting the work of the board committees, reconnecting to partner churches, and deepening our relationship with Mar Elias and our peace partners.
Essrea begins her work on May 3 and will overlap with outgoing Interim Executive Director, Brenda Mehos, for approximately two weeks. After those two weeks, she will take up her position in full with the assistance of Operations Manager, Angela Cummins, and in coordination with our board and Executive Committee: Lucy Forster-Smith (vice-president), Peter Henry (president), Sarah Morgan (secretary), and Kip Nickel. Essrea can be reached at Join us in welcoming Essrea and wishing her well as she helps us foster peace and justice in Israel and Palestine through education.
The Rev. Dr. Peter J. M. Henry
President of the Board of Directors, Pilgrims of Ibillin
