Register Now for Oct-Nov 2023 Pilgrimage

Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Fall 2023 Pilgrimage

October 21-November 2, 2023

On this trip we will do a deep dive into
education and youth services for the

Palestinian community both
in Israel and Palestine.

View the Fall Pilgrimage Itinerary

Pilgrimage Goals: To See, Hear, and Deepen our Understanding

Trip coordinators are Pilgrims of Ibillin Board of Directors Rev. Gail Doering and Executive Director Essrea Cherin.

Essrea Cherin & Rev. Gail Doering, trip leaders

Rev. Gail Doering, a member of the Presbyterian clergy, in addition to half a dozen visits to the Holy Land, spent a 3 month sabbatical in Israel, studying the theology of hope and how it is maintained in the face of conflict, oppression, and occupation. Essrea Cherin, the co-founder of the Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project, is a conflict resolution professional and has worked in the region for almost 20 years. Both have led groups to the region multiple times.

We will visit entities that are ‘off the beaten track’ of many Holy Land tours: heartwarming and inspirational places such as a Bedouin camp and school, Hope Flowers in East Jerusalem, Seraj Libraries and Hope School. We will also visit holy and historical sites of great significance, in addition to time in nature and built in opportunities for contemplation and prayer.

What contributes to a Living Stones Pilgrimage’s often most meaningful moments are those chances to connect with the people of the Holy Land — and we will have many of these, to hear their stories and to deepen our understanding of a fraught land.

We invite and welcome you to join us.

Submit your deposit before August 15

You not only receive a $500 discount off the pilgrimage fee
(or a total of $3,000 rather than $3,500), you also
hold your spot on what promises to be a trip of a lifetime!

Let us know of your interest to learn more:

Complete the form (below) on this page and let us know in the comments if you are interested in this November pilgrimage. We’ll be in touch with more details.

You may also pay your deposit with a check. Please include ‘Pilgrimage payment’ in the memo and then mail it to: 

Pilgrims of Ibillin
c/o Davidson College Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 337
100 North Main Street
Davidson NC 28036

A sample of the places and people you will see on Living Stones Pilgrimages:
Dome on the Rock Abuna with students
Dome on the Rock Abuna with students
human rights groups stree scene boat on the Sea of Galilee
Human Rights Street Scene Boat on the Sea of Galilee

