What Next? Reflections of a Pilgrim

What Next?
Reflections of a Pilgrim

Seven months ago our pilgrimage ended at a wonderful meal looking out as the sunset over the beautiful Mediterranean. There we were, many of us very worn out from the intensive 11 days witnessing, observing and hearing the daily life struggles and challenges under Israeli occupation. We saw the courage, forgiveness and Agape love of many Palestinians in their relentless work of their chosen ministries: farming, education, visual and theatrical arts, handcraft skills development, feeding and housing those neighbors in need, and resolving conflicts in transformative ways. The Tent of Nations, the Hope School, Al Rowwad, Mar Elias, Wi’Am. All while under the watchful eye of the authorities of an occupied state.

And so, we returned home to the U.S., mostly to our “comfort zones”, embedded in our schedules, our goals, our lives as we are used to…

So where are we now, 7 months later? Was that just a jolting awareness raiser that we are called to share as we can with our friends, our churches, our communities? And maybe send financial support as we can? Or are we called to do more?

This is a question that often stays on the back burners or the back shelves of our lives. The witness of our brothers and sisters who live through each day under threats and persecution was not meant to cripple us or put it all helplessly aside, but to empower us as they continue to be empowered as Living Stones.

Ultimately, maybe we are called to make changes to ourselves! In our everyday lives. Maybe we need to live out more fully lives of compassion and generosity, humility and prayer, grounding ourselves to lean more on our Lord and to listen. Then, perhaps, only then, can we become the “instruments for justice and peace” for substantial and lasting changes.

by Arlene Makita-Acuna
Living Stones 2022 Pilgrimage Partipant

Photos by Arlene Makita-Acuna
